Test, Analyse, Report !
While Wired Beauty always adapts to its clients’ specifications and does custom research, the digitally enabled methodology could in the future allow syndicated studies on very large cohorts. Nevertheless, using our IOT lab device and app, Wired Beauty easily managed the following :
Wired Beauty helps agile product development thanks to lab grade technology from tubo to vivo

Some of our offers

Example :
Detailled protocol of study on impact of Vitamin C formula compared to hydration formulae

This study is currently being conducted with the Wired Beauty IOT & App
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Discover some of our recent or future studies with Wired Beauty IOT & App :
- Study on 20 cases of atopic dermatitis (see detaillest protocol and order)
- Study on 20 cases of reactions to exposome (uv, pollution, dust) on explants (see detailed protocol and order)
- Study on 200 cases of skin’s natural reaction to polluted environment (see detailed protocol and order)
- Study on impact of vitamin C formula compared to hydration formulae (see detailed protocol and order)
MAPO Solaire.

MAPO Solaire was the first device developed by Wired Beauty.
Our first solution was B2C tech measuring exposure markers and recommending suncare application.